Shane Brown
444 PigPie Ave
Indianapolis, IN 95446
March 19, 2013
Mrs. Debolt
1717 W. Main St.
Featus, MO 63028
Dear Mrs. Debolt:
My name is Shane Brown I would like to tell you about my self. I just turned 13 in October. My favorite sports are baseball, football, track, and soccer. My favorite food is desserts, but my favorite is pie. My favorite animal is a pig, and turtle.
When I grow up I want to be a chef, carpenter, and engineer. My favorite TV show is called American Ninja Warrior. I watch it every year. If my jobs don't work out i will try to compete to be the first American ninja warrior. Wish me luck.
My computer experience is awesome. I love computers, I'm not very good at doing it though. My moms friend he works on computer's I should ask him for some advice. I love tipeing its fun. I cant wait to do it Monday.
Shane Brown