Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Technology Bye

I like technology class though it may not be my best subject sense I'm a little slow with computers. XD I like this class still because I like to figure things out and find out what different item or icons do. Though I do try to act like I'm defusing a bomb so I am very careful. I hope I will have this class again next year it was fun and Mrs.Debolt is a pretty nice teacher. I hope that next year, if I get to do this class, we will get more and different chances to learn abput and on the computer. Sorry I must go this quarter's almost over and this is my last blog...... I'll miss you.........BYE D,;

picture from here
miss you ):

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Excited yet Scared

As you all know it's the Christmas season and other holidays I don't know all of. I'm excited for Christmas but there is just one problem this year different than all of the years. I'm scared to my wits end that Armageddon or the "apocalypse" has started and will end the 21 of December. I mean deep down I know it's not going to happen but I'm one of those people who think what if zombies come, what if I the last left, what if I lost my family and so on. I just know I'll be the person rocking back and forth in the corner scared to death. I hope that doesn't happen but one thing still bugs me, people are excited for the zombie apocalypse but their missing part of the title "APOCALYPSE" they are so stupid because it's like saying," Oh honey, yeah I wanna go die now, you know get eaten by zombies." I mean Geez people oh well I have to wrap this up so marry Christmas and keep a machete in your basement. Jk happy holidays and a happy new year. (well not new years for Chinese yet) :P 

picture from here
Fun fact: did you know santa used to have daemons that carryed the bad boys and girls to hell? 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Many Doors of Many Choices

As I stood there staring at the seven wooden doors of someplace unknown. A voice boomed overhead," These doors show you to your only future choose wisely they lead to Hogwarts, Wonderland, Middle Earth, Camelot, Narnia, and Westros. I stepped forward hesitantly looking at each door when a though struck my mind. " What if I decide that I want to stay here and no to some foreign land!"
" There is no future for you here choose one quickly!" It boomed. As he finished a spikked ceiling appeared above me slowly falling when I noticed some thing. To my left was a mostly transparent door wit a small handle. I reached for it and as soon as I grapped the small fixture I was home at last.

picture from here

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I can't wait to see an anime show I love called NYAN KOI I'm hoping I'll get it for Christmas and finally hear their voices in english. The only way I've been seeing it is in japanese with an english subtitle and you really still don't know what's going on. Though the front cover of the complete box set is ......akward it is ok for kids 10+ and the animation is pretty good. It's about this boy who is allergic to cats and ironicly his family loves and has one. One day he's walking home and breaks a sacred statue of a cat. Which causes a curse which now he can understand cats. To break the curse he must do 100 good deeds for cats before he turns into one! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

his cat Maru

Picture from here

Picture from here

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Follow Up to She's Not Dead

To recap my high school math teacher went missing and at my reunion i found a coded letter like hte ones she used to give us. Seven others have also found these messages.I looked ny gang from high school all seven others not believing they had all been handed the same code, we needed to figure this out fast before something else happened to change what we had.
" So now that we all know what these are how do we decode them," Ben questioned.
"Not sure but I bet it has something to do with the decoders we used to have for her class," I said.
We found our decoders and decoded the message, it read ' meet @ old warehouse 9:00 alone if you bring the police she will die. That scared us strait.
That night we went to the warehouse to find here chained and tortured feeling bad for her so I reached out to her and ......................................that's when I woke up.

picture from here

Thursday, November 29, 2012

MAH BIRTHDAY>.< !!!!!!!!!! :D

Today is 11-29-12 and that means mah birthday. YYYYYAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! I can't wait to go home because I get to go out to dinner and open presents. Tomorrow is my birthday party with some of mah friends and I'm just SO EXCITED! I can hardly contain myself but sadly this is only fourth hour so I still have a lot of school left. . . . . . . . . WHO CARES IT'S MAH BIRTHDAY RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW YYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have many things I want to do but when I get home I will finish my homework then when that's over PARTY! CAN'T WAIT!!

picture from here

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Disaster XD

For my first Thanksgiving as host, I bought the biggest turkey that they had in the store. As I headed home I forgot to shut my trunk all the way so I know what your thinkin' oh no the turkey fell out. Well, no your wrong something worse happened. When you drive on the highway cars let out a lot of fumes so now the turkey instead of pink is black and smells like oil. YUMMY!(ha sarcasim) Anyway when I got home some of my family members were starting to show up and didn't have time to pick up a replacement, so I had to tell them. When Jimmy Dean suggested hamburgers, so that's why we all had hamburgers. XD     (Not a true story:D)

Picture from here

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I can't wait for thanksgiving man turkey sounds sooooooo good right now. I can't believe that it's already November it seems like yesterday we just got on our break. I am so ready for the food. BRING IT ON! I WILL EAT ALL! I can't wait eat it up it's gonna be sooooo yummy. Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, ooooohhhhhh yeah I'm so ready. I can't wait to play with my cosins they are so awesome and hilarious. Then I get to stay up all night and even better my birthday is exactly one week away from THANKSGIVING this year so my birthday will be coming up too I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

picture from here

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I love to watch you tube and there are a few stars I like to watch. I love to watch Tobuscus, Pewdiepie, Nigahiga, Somsh, and Tomska.

picture from here
Ian from Smosh

picture from here

picture from here

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Two days ago the presidential election took place. The only thing I really have to say about that topic is that it's dumb. No one really knows a lot about politics and the only people who do have something to do with our legal system. also the presidents never look trustworthy these days why can't people who accually want to better America run for president. I mean seriously no one really knows what the president really wants and the usually don't do what they promise. I mean really do u know these people cause I've senn them on TV and everywhere and they just don't look like they really want to help us. It looks lilke they want money and that's it, the end, period. sorry I rambled but u know its true. c ya.

picture from here

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

picture from here

Last night was halloween I had so much fun goin' out nad getting candy. I was a green crayon and so were mah friends Micayla and Shelby but Emily was a ninja. For some reason little kids can up to me just me and screamed 'green crayon!' or gave fist bumps it was kinda weird. So we got a pretty good haul but half the lights in mah neighborhood were our wich kinda stank. Oh well I had a good time and hope you did too. we also went to this one house where these people looked fake but were real and scared the bejesus
 out of me. Haha!                                                                                    

picture from here


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Picture Randomness

boredom kills all

so cute!!!


I'm a firen' mah lazer!!!!!!

Little Girl of the Railroad

A long time ago when the railroads were new there sat a girl no more than five. She was playing in the snow that had fallen only hours ago she was happy and full of delight hoping she could make a snow fort. All of a sudden the ground where she stood started to shake and she noticed too late. later that evening a man came to the girls house informing the mother of what the little girl had done. They went to her lifeless hurt body and made a hole near a shrub,
After many years had passed and a man had gone to that spot and found her huddled smiling with a knife. He stepped back horrified as she walked toward him. He had nowhere to run but from where he came so he did. Looking back he though to himself* I lost her* but when he looked forward again she was blocking his way. He skidded to a stop turning to run back but she was there too. He looked up but they were under the highway so no way out there and she was coming closer. Then everything went black and red. About a week later he woke in the hospital with a mark on his head.
Happy Halloween!:D

picture from here

Monday, October 29, 2012


I love all kinds of pics but mah favorites are japanese anime!

 picture from here ouran host club

picture from here soul eater(maka, soul, death the kid, liz, and patty)

picture from here fullmetal alchemist

pictures from here this is apparently sushi cat but I just chose it cause it was cute.

I hope u enjoyed these pics and the reason i wrot under them was because that is what show thwy are on - sushi cat. :D

Thursday, October 25, 2012

About Me

Hey it's Courtney I I'm so happy that I get to write a blog. I love to go fishing, ride horses, play with mah dog(Cassie), and do crafts(painting, drawing, sculpting,etc.). I can't wait for Gardians to come out in theators it looks soooooo cool and I love the kind of movies and books that you don't believe are real but might be. I also have a dream of one day being a zoologist, writer, or animator or voice actor for japanese anime series. I also love youtube. :P

picture from here

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What I Liked And Disliked.What I Learned.

picture from here
I liked when we got to do the background. I also think that we should have got a little more time to make are back ground. I also liked to do the power point because I like to do power points. I didn't really like how we had to do the surveys and the notes because they were not that fun to do. I liked when we got to have free time but we didn't get it alot. I learned a whole bunch of stuff that I'm probably not going to remember but it was all interesting. I also liked timed typeing test because I like to type sometimes i'll just get on my compueter to type.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


picture from here
I hate having to wake up in the morning for school. They start school way to early. I have to wake up at 5:oo in the morning. That does not give me enough time to take a shower, pick an outfit out, brush my teeth , and eat breackfast. It exspecialy doesn't give me enough time to do my hair because I have to blowdry my hair and straiten it. I never get to eat breakfast so I'm always thinking about how hungry I am and when I'm going to get to eat lunch. Then the bus comes way to early and my mom doesn't have enough time to drive me to school so I have to get on the bus. That is why I think the buses should come at 8:30 instead of 8:00. Buses can also be dangerous in the snow or rain.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The perfect sandwich

picture from here

My perfect sandwich would be delicious. I would have a top piece of bread and a bottom piece of bread the bread would be white sandwich bread. I would have turky proubably 10 or 11 pieces because I love turkey. Then I would have mixed colby jack cheese on my sandwich because that is the best cheese ever. Then I would put some ketchup on it because that is my most favorite kind of condament to put on my sandwich. i would also put letuse on it because I like letuse it is really good. As a side to eat with my sandwicc I would have some chips. The chips I would have is lays plane chips. Another side I would have if we didn't have chips is french fries I love french fries with sanwiches.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Vacation

picture from here

I went to Destin Florida for vacation a couple years ago. It was a fun trip me my mom, my dad, my sisters, and my grandma all went together. We were even all in the same car and it was so loud and boring. When we got there I was so excited and so glad we were finaly there. We spent 5 days there. We went to the beach and found a jack pot of seashells. We also went to a whole bunch of shops and it was so fun. We all got a little thing to remind us of are trip to florida I got a little jar that said Destin,Florida and my little sister took it and opened it and spilled it everywhere in the car on the way home. I got so mad at her but she was only three and i don't even know how she got it.We also went on a bicycle ride and we got a bicycle that would hold all of us but my grandma didn't go because it was to hot.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Everything except one odd thing

picture from here
Somebody broke into my house.They took everything except one useless thing.......a giraffe painting on my living room wall. I don't know why they didn't take it but it could be the first clue to the first clue to finding the person who robed my house. They could be scared of giraffes, they could just not like giraffes,or they could just want to leave a memory of the robery.I am still going to find out who robed me the paintin g could help the police out alot. I do hope the police find out who robed my house. they must be really sneaky robers because no one seen them come in or break in. They must also be very quiet. We don't have alot of clues yet but we can find more clues.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

French fries

picture from here
french fries are my favorite snack. I wish I could eat them everyday but I can't or I would get fat. I love the french fries from Mcdonalds they are really good. Anytime I go to a resterant I get french fries if they hav e them. I also like the french fries from steak'n shake they are I think they call them shoelace french fries because there skinny like a shoelace. I might grow up to owm a french frie companny and sell french fries. I would be getting money and be able to eat french fries all the time. I won't like over eat them because I not only will get fat but my stumic might start herting to.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Humming Birds

picture from here
Humming birds are so cute. I think there cute because they're so small and adorable and there little wings go so fast when they fly. My grandma said that if she had a pet humming bird she would let it fly onto her finger then she would pet its little stomach. I also like to feed the humming birds and watch them eat it is funny when they eat because they fight over the food and sometimes one humming bird wont let any of he other humming birds eat any food. I don't think we could have a pet humming bird because they are wild and hard to cach. They are green and kinda white on there chests. They are really small and I could hold one in my hand if they would it would let me.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

designing dresses

picture from here
The picture makes me think of designing dresses. It makes me think of that because you have to use that thing in the picture to meauser how wide the models waste is and how long the dress needs to be. It also made me think of designing dresses because when you desing a dress you could also need to sow and you could use that thing in the picture for that to. Another reason it made me think of that is because I would love to desing a dress and I have seen a show where they were designing dresses and they used one of those. I also said you can use it when you're sowing the dress because my mom has one and she uses it sometimes when she sows.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Giraffes are awesome

Photo: A giraffe standing next to a tree
picture from here

My favorite animal is a Giraffe. that is my favorite animal because thay are so cute and tall.If i had a giraffe i would put a blue sparkley top hat on it and name it George and then ride it. I think it would be awesome to ride a giraffe and it would be fun they aren't very fast so i would just get to have fun. When i get oulder im going to have a giraffe farm and train my giraffes to do tricks then im going to give them  all blue top  hats and go to the circas with them. Giraffes are really cool animals. i was watching animal planet one time and they were talking about giraffes and it was pretty cool.That is wyh giraffes are awesome.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My bottled memory

The memory I am going to be writing about is when I went t Destin,florda with my grandma, my mom, my dad, and my three sisters. I would open it three times a day so i could go to the beach and see all the cool stuff over again. It was beautiful and the beaches weren't very crowded at all the ocean was so cool and it was an aqua color my favorite color. there was also tons of seashells and shops to go to. I got a jar with seashells and sand in it from the beach. there was also a shop were we could fill bags with seashells of tons of colors and we could get as many as we wanted. that is why i would want relive my memory of going to Destin,Flordia.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gymnastics is my favorite sport

picture from here

I love to do gymnastics because it is fun and you can do cool stuff when you learn it. My favorite trick is a cartwheel it is my favorite trick because it is easy and it gets your arms and leg s warmed up so you can do other things. I always strech before i do anything and sometimes I ride my bike or run before I do gymnastics. I like to do gymnastics because it's something to do in my free time.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The History of Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!!!
picture from here
The first Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday September 5,1882 in New York City. over 100 years after the Labor Day observancestill there is still a doubt to who first preposed the holiday for workers.Records show that Peter J, MicGuire genral secrataryof carpenters,joiners,and a cofounder for the American Federation of labor,was first suggesting a day to honor those "who from horrible nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold". Peter MicGuire's place in the Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged Lots believe that Mathew Maguire a machinist, not Peter MicGuire, founded the holiday. Present day reseacher seems to support that Mathew Maguire founded Labor Day. Present day research seems to support the contention that Mathew Maugiar, later the secretary of 344 International Association in  machinist Paterson N.J founded the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central labor Union of New York.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

High School Friend In Prison

Dear Friend,
              Why are you in prison? What did you do to get in prison? what do you want me to get for you I will do anything for an old friend that needs my help. I hope you're doing ok. When you get out you need to call me and we can get together and you could come and live with me. I hope you don't get i trouble anymore and we can start hanging out and I can help you not to get in trouble anymore. i will be sure to get back to you and please write me back do alright in there bye.

                    Your Friend,

                                                                                                             picture fromhttp://onthewight.com/2008/01/10/prisonser-rights-or-wrongs/ here

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I think that what they are doing in India is wrong. I also think that they should not make the girls get an ultrasound because it is already illegal in India. Everybody should be treated equal and abortions should be illegal. The men should be happy the girls even stayed in india because without the girls they wouldnt even have boys. Also if they kill all the girls then the men would eventually run out of money. The orphinige for baby girls is a good thing to have so that the woman doesnt have to kill her baby girl she can just take it to the orphanige and know it will grow up to be a healthy baby girl. I think they shouldnt care what you have a boy are a girl.

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Business Letter

222 Giraffie Rd
Los Angelos,CA 63028

August 27, 2012

Mrs. Debolt
1717 West Main Street
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. Debolt

Hi Mrs. Debolt how are you I'm doing great. This year is my first year comeing back to Festus School so I am still geting use to everybody. I really like it here it is nicer than my other school. I like to ride my bike and text friends but not at the same time. I also like to listen to music and play with my two cats. Another thing I like to do is hang out with my friends. I also enjoy doing gymnastics. That was a couple things about me.

I like to listen to music and watch music videos.One time I found president Obama singing BoyFriend by Justin Bieber. I also like to play Club Penguin on the computer. Another thing I like to do is type on the computer and type letters to myself.I also like to put videos and pictures of me and my friends on there facebook pages. The last thing I like to do is get on youtube with my sister and look up funny videos. Those are a couple things I like to do on the computer.


Brea Whitmire

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hey Hi;)

My name is Brea I'm taking over this blog now. I'll be useing this first quarter.

Picture from here

Monday, March 12, 2012

This Quarter

This quarter I have learned about alot of things In my computer class. I have also done many projects. Some of the projects we do every other day is timed typing tests. On eproject we just finished is making a message on microsoft excel and then giving instructions for it. A project we are doing now is about baseball. We are also doing that on microsoft excel. My favorite project that we have done is when we made our paint backround. I have loved computer class this year.
Picture From Here

Friday, March 9, 2012

My Favorite Video Game

My favorite video game is probably Modern Warfare 3. Basically the game is about a Russian terrorist group that kidnaps the president of Russia and wants launch codes to take over Europe. The game can also be played online with friends or just other people. MW3 has a new feature called Survival mode. What you do is fight with a friend or solo and take on countless waves of enemies.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Earthquake In Paris

One day I was in vacation. It was Beautiful! I loved it until one day there was a terrible tragedy. I woke up one morning and decided to visit the Eiffel Tower. So I took a cab to head to it. When I finaly got there I decided to have Lunch at the Eiffel tower. It was delicious. Suddenly There was this HUGE earthquake. The entire tower felt as if it had shaken. When it finally finished i got this picture that looked just like this.
Picture From Here

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Track And Feild

the sport Im doing now is Track and Feild. I love it because Im doing pole vaulting. Pole vaulting is fun because you get to jump with a pole. At first I just did pole vaulting to get out of running but now Im loving it. I also like pole vaulting because I have alot of my friends doing it too. The only bad thing about Track is that pole vaulters have to stay later than anyone else. I might also do a sprint too. I love Track!
Picture From Here

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Tjis picture reminds me of a house in a Dr. Suess book. I think this house belongs in a Dr. Suess book because of its weird design. I also think this book belongs in a Dr. Suess book because of its look.
Picture From Here

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What I Do In My Free Time

The thing I do in my free is playing outside with my sister. We normally jump on our trampoline or play catch with a ball. Some other things I do in my free time is playing my XBOX 360. I play alot of games on it. I also play with some of my freinds in my free time. The last thing I do is go to the YMCA. Its fun going there because you can do so many things.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Opinion

I think PE (physical education) should be required in school districts. I think this because it will keep students fit. It will also provide jobs for people. Another reason I think PE should be required is because a lot of kids in our country are lazy and this will allow them to not be lazy. I also think that PE should be kept at every other quarter. I think this because it will allow them to something else than PE. Another reason i think PE should be kept would be to allow kids to play games that they might not be able to at home.
Picture From Here

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Favorite Video Game

My favorite video game is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. It is my favorite video game because it is a war game. I like war games because it allows you to see what a soldier goes through in war. Another reason I like MW3 is because alot of my friends play it. MW3 is fun because it has something none of the others have, Survival mode.Survival mode is fun because you and a partner can team up and face wave after wave of enemies coming at you.
Picture From Here

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My favorite Restaurant

My favorite restaurant is IHOP. I love IHOP. My favorite food at IHOP is pancakes. I love their pancakes because you can have certain types of pancakes. My favorite type is chocolate chips. Another reason IHOP is my favorite restaurant is because you can eat break feast, lunch ,or dinner.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I believe the donor should put in a YMCA. I think the donor should put in a YMCA because it will have a pool for kids or swimmers training, a gym for basketball teams or other people training, and a workout room for trainers and people who would run on the treadmills and lift weights. I believe the donor should put in a YMCA because it would be best for the community and it would have something for everyone. Another reason I think the donor should put in a YMCA would be to have people take certain classes.

Picture From Here

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Favorite Football Team

My favorite football team is the New England Patriots. I love the Patriots. This year the Patriots made it to the Super Bowl. The Patriot have the best quarterback in the league, Tom Brady. The Patriots also have a good tight end named Rob Gronkowski. With Tom Brady and Rob Grunkowski they are nearly unbeatable. The Patriots also have a good running back named Green- Elis.
Kerry Rhodes Randy Moss #81 of the New England Patriots catches a touchdown pass against the defense of Ty Law #22 and Kerry Rhodes #25 of the New York Jets, sending the game to overtime at Gillette Stadium on November 13, 2008 in Foxboro, Massachusetts. The Jets won 34-31 in overtime.
Picture From Here