Thursday, October 13, 2011

Science Fair Project!!!

For my Scienc Fair Project I made a Ping-Pong Catapult!!!!! It was to see what angle of the catapult arm makes it go the furthest. What I did was get a Spoon, Protratcor, a Ping-Pong Ball, and a Tape Measure. Did my experiment. Then I put ALL of my stuff on my board. Then I turned it in and got a good grade. That is my Science Fair Project.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I Learned!!!

Picture From Here

I learned alot of things and it was my most FAVORITE class yet! I learnd how to type faster then I ever could, how to make a Power Point, most of the test were really easy, how to make a blog, about my computer, and BEST of all what the best foe me to be when I grow up. Ms. DeBolt is a really  really really nice teacher.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Should P.E. Courses be Mandatory?

I think PE should be optional because we should have a say so on what we want to do. If you do take PE it can get us a collage degree in physical fitness.
Picture From Here