Tuesday, May 24, 2011

4th quarter Technology with Mrs. DeBolt

For my 3rd hour class I have Mrs. Debolt, a Computer Class teacher. In this class I have liked and dislkied things about this class. One of the things I didn't like was the amount of time you get to finish/do a project. But thats only a small thing compared to the other things that we did in Computer Class. One of the things I liked best was creating a background for our computer that we were assigned. I also thought that in my opinion that there should be projects that you can choose like a Powerpoint presintation.

          Picture From Here:

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Six Flags

Six Flags is a giant amusment park with rides, games, and a water park. We have a choir trip to Six Flags tommorow and will be singing in the Palace Theater. I have been going to Six Flags since I was 8 years old. The very first ride I was on was the Minetrain, my first actual ride was The Ninja. After we perform for the judges, we will then change clothes and have fun at the park. This time I want to ride Mr. Freeze and The Boss, since last time I was there it started to rain and they closed down the rides. Im so exited!

                     Picture From Here:

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Gym is getting really boring having to go outside almost everyday. I mean I really like gym its just if we go outside, we run the track, mabye do ladders, then we either play kickball, football or frizbee. I dont mind going outside but gym in my opinion is alot more fun in the gym playing knockout, prisonball, dogeball, etc..
The mile is why we have to go outside and practice, so theres nothing I or anyone else can do. The field in my opinion is really bad, I dont mean that the actual field is, its the turf, or little black pebals that they use.

     Picture From Here:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shouldn't have hit the "Send" button

If you ever have sent a text/email on accident and the person took it the wrong way you know the bad feeling. Sending a mistyped word in a email can make the person think that you meant that for example. One time I was texting a friend and I mispelled the word "aren't" and accidently said "are." So they thought that I was teasing/making fun of them and they go mad. I had to fix things by retyping the sentence using the word "aren't" that time and I apologysed for the confusing.

                Picture From Here: