Thursday, October 13, 2011

Science Fair Project!!!

For my Scienc Fair Project I made a Ping-Pong Catapult!!!!! It was to see what angle of the catapult arm makes it go the furthest. What I did was get a Spoon, Protratcor, a Ping-Pong Ball, and a Tape Measure. Did my experiment. Then I put ALL of my stuff on my board. Then I turned it in and got a good grade. That is my Science Fair Project.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I Learned!!!

Picture From Here

I learned alot of things and it was my most FAVORITE class yet! I learnd how to type faster then I ever could, how to make a Power Point, most of the test were really easy, how to make a blog, about my computer, and BEST of all what the best foe me to be when I grow up. Ms. DeBolt is a really  really really nice teacher.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Should P.E. Courses be Mandatory?

I think PE should be optional because we should have a say so on what we want to do. If you do take PE it can get us a collage degree in physical fitness.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Chrismas is the best time of the year! You get to be around family!You get lots of presents and gifts! You get a special Chrismas dinner. The best thing is when you open the presents, all the excitement, it is a big thing we do every year!
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Soon To Be Step Brother

This weekend my soon to be step brother is coming to my house to visit his dad. His name is Chris Jr. ,but we call him Little Chris. It's so much fun when he comes over because we always play the Xbox. He sleeps in the living room ,but his stuff is in my room. We always do some thing as a family.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Everyone Needs Help

The time someone helped me was when my Mother helped me learn how to ride my bike.I felt loved because someone helped me when I needed help.I help my Mother with my baby sister every day!I have to watch her when my Mom leaves.It makes me feel pretty good knowing that I can help!
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2 is MY favorite Xbox 360 game!!! The game is were you start off in a mall and you kill zombies on your way throw the mall. The main point of the game is to find specal weapons that you mix with other weapons so it makes a bettter weapon. there is a safe saf house in the mall the safe house is a place were there are no zombies and you safe survivers to the place and your daughter has to stay there so she doesn't die.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I was a 2 year old little kid so I do not  remember anything of that day but what I heard was teribble and thousands of people have died that day. The first plane hit one of the towers and everyone thought it was a accident. When the second plane hit he other tower then they know it was a tarorist attack.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Practice 3

Turn in your school work on time so you don't get a HOT Sheet!
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Practice 2

The first school dance is September 16th!
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Practice 1

You're GREAT!!!
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About Me!!!

I want to learn how to box. I love to draw! My favorite Xbox games are Modern Warfare 2 and Dead Rising 2. Over memoril Day Weekend my uncle  made a flame thrower out of a match and a spray can of pam 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

4th quarter Technology with Mrs. DeBolt

For my 3rd hour class I have Mrs. Debolt, a Computer Class teacher. In this class I have liked and dislkied things about this class. One of the things I didn't like was the amount of time you get to finish/do a project. But thats only a small thing compared to the other things that we did in Computer Class. One of the things I liked best was creating a background for our computer that we were assigned. I also thought that in my opinion that there should be projects that you can choose like a Powerpoint presintation.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Six Flags

Six Flags is a giant amusment park with rides, games, and a water park. We have a choir trip to Six Flags tommorow and will be singing in the Palace Theater. I have been going to Six Flags since I was 8 years old. The very first ride I was on was the Minetrain, my first actual ride was The Ninja. After we perform for the judges, we will then change clothes and have fun at the park. This time I want to ride Mr. Freeze and The Boss, since last time I was there it started to rain and they closed down the rides. Im so exited!

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Thursday, May 5, 2011


Gym is getting really boring having to go outside almost everyday. I mean I really like gym its just if we go outside, we run the track, mabye do ladders, then we either play kickball, football or frizbee. I dont mind going outside but gym in my opinion is alot more fun in the gym playing knockout, prisonball, dogeball, etc..
The mile is why we have to go outside and practice, so theres nothing I or anyone else can do. The field in my opinion is really bad, I dont mean that the actual field is, its the turf, or little black pebals that they use.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shouldn't have hit the "Send" button

If you ever have sent a text/email on accident and the person took it the wrong way you know the bad feeling. Sending a mistyped word in a email can make the person think that you meant that for example. One time I was texting a friend and I mispelled the word "aren't" and accidently said "are." So they thought that I was teasing/making fun of them and they go mad. I had to fix things by retyping the sentence using the word "aren't" that time and I apologysed for the confusing.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Constant Raining

In the city I live in it has been raining off and on for almost two weeks straight now. The storm has caused tornados to form, destroying houses and property damage at a airport. The storm has also flooded buildings such as churches. The rain has also cause roads to flood or washout. The rain has made ditches, flooded rivers, and buildings.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weather Reports

I usally find out the weather by my mom leaving a note for me to see or I watch Fox News. The weather reports are usally correct but can be wrong at times. For weather to affect my plans, the weather has to be severe not just a small sprinkle. The weather the past few weeks has been predictable due to rain for over a week striaght.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Little About Me

   I have been through lots of crazy/horrible events. It all started when I was just two years old, I had a friend next door. My name is Zach, when I was two, me and my next door neighbor, Dani, went down to my side-yard to swing. While we were running my mom was close to use, but we still ran ahead. Dani and I were close to the swings when I saw the sunlight hit a pair of  brown eyes. I never knew what would happen after that. The brown eyes, belonged to a large, male Siberian Husky/Lab mix, the eyes were focused on me. Not Dani, then a jolt of a brown and black steak slammed into me. I was mauled by a dog 3x my size and 5x my weight, I was laying face down in the grass with Dani screaming and the dog spinning around charging me. Just before the dog picked me up in his jaws, Dani ran toward the sandbox about 10 feet away from where I and the dog were at the time. I was dropped, turned over and then the dog jabbed his tooth into my "belly botton" and twisted his head, exposing three inches of my internal organs. I was then grabbed from one end of my rid cage to my other and shook, hitting my head and neck area on the chainlink fence next to us. Then my mom turned the corner and shouted, Dani's dad heard and saw what was happend. He grabbed his shotgun, running toward the dog. The dog had already started chewing on my sides, leaving long scars with every bite. My neighbor had no choice but to shoot the dog. Jefferson Memorial Hospital and news team were dispatched to my house. Both flew in helicopters,  the Jefferson Memorial Hospital Medical Helicopter had to land in my neighbors yard. I was taken to the ER, I had bad injurys. My abdomind was puncered, my skull had over eight drops(dents), my skin about my waist was ripped open, my body had slash marks all around and my belly button had been ripped up, down, left and right making a sort of diamond shape. I had to stay in the hospital for about three weeks. I was only two years old when that happend, I still remeber it all.

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Booker T. Quote

If you to improve your class for example, you have to presuade/convince other people to your idea. He mainly wanted to say changing one thing, can change you. I can use it in the future if I feel the need to make a better school. By telling others if you want a better school you need people to report bad things. No one should be bullied or tormented. School needs to be enjoyable, not looked at by a bullied student as a deathtrap.

Monday, April 11, 2011